Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Through with chapter two!

For now, chapter two is complete. Complete, like good and evil, is an objective term with chapter one, I'm betting that the next time I take a look at chapter two I'll start to revise, rewrite, and add to it considerably. But thats a bit farther down the path. I've found a great name to replace Abaddon (one without satanic origin) and its definition is even more fitting than "to destroy" - and not as corny.

Abaddon's replacement is Asteraoth; an angel, already a stand out in the crowd of riders, Asteraoth supposedly "thwarts power". Who better to play a judge, an enforcer and stickler for the rules, than one who thwarts power? Hopefully, he'll gain a little angelic sense of duty from his namesake and will remain impartial, even if the other riders begin to falter. He may become blinded by justice every now and then, his good judgement tossed to the wind if someone does something wrong...but I think Asteraoth's got the potential to really be a key character.

The world of Hierarchy is starting to grow and with every inch of ground it gains, a few characters come to light...two of which I've yet to mention. One I'll hold out on discussing till I finalize what role he may play, and the other I'll explain soon. In the next post, I'll introduce to you Loki Blodweud, our residential joker and thief in the night.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Leviathan

I spent a bit of time trying to figure out names for my 4 horsemen - after a bit of trial and error, I've named the majority. I tediously scoured the web for the names of all the fallen angels (paradise lost helped a bit here), and eventually came out with some good, useful names with meanings actually applicable to plot and character persona! However....I'm still on the prowl for rider number four. Rider number four is actually..well, he's number one in the hierarchy of riders so to speak, a leader whose superiority is unspoken, unchallenged, and simply understood.

I had a name for him that I thought quite apt: Abaddon. It roughly means "to destroy" and I figured that with a name like that, there was no way another rider would try to usurp him...this was until a friend informed me that Abaddon is a particularly bad fallen angel who is regularly worshiped in satanic rings... said friend watches allot of history channel specials, particularly about free masons, so I didn't really question exactly WHY he was so informed... Anyhow, Abaddon is now far far away from Hierarchy. As to the rest of the riders, I've come up with Bathin, Gadreel, and Valefor - thankfully, none of them are the points of worship for those satanic people out there and all of their definitions are pretty vague (which, blissfully, leaves much up to my artistic interpretation).

Bathin is described as the fallen angel who rides a pale horse, Gadreel meaning "God is my helper" and Valefor, a fallen angel who appears as a "many headed lion". I'm quite pleased with myself here - with these little snippets, I've got enough info to really base a character off of yet, the're still all my own. The only conundrum I've found myself with, other than the last riders name, is how to have them interact with Zuriel and Tarlin. Social contract theory would say that the Leviathan has to be the absolute power and governor, the absolute enforcer, and as a result, a neutral party. I don't really fancy making them impartial...I need some unfathomable, evil force tromping around.

We'll see how things turn out. If anything, I could make two groups of riders, 4 light and 4 dark (keeping in mind that good and evil are objective terms), constantly waring with each other while enforcing the rules of Hierarchy on their own terms. I suppose it depends on how big of characters I want my riders to be. Once again, only time will tell.