Friday, October 8, 2010

Shadow dance

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday - chemistry was occupying my life at the time.

Last night I finished the first "chapter" in Hierarchy. Its only about three pages at this point and a bit rough, but the essentials are there. I plan on going back at a later date and giving it a bit more body, filling it out a bit more, and adding some more dialogue. The chapter is from Tarlin's point of view (as I stated last post) and is a "to the point" chapter. Tarlin's bitterness really comes out here, his angst overflows and his lack of patience is terribly evident. As the general populace losses their minds at the mention of the choosing, Tarlin stares in wonder at there "lemming like" qualities and scoffs at their excitement. Our young Thuin has quite a bit of growing to do.

Currently, I'm starting on chapter two which will be the same scene, but from another view point. Chapter two starts off with Zuriel gazing into the Thuin Court, far away and in an open field. Gazing into the Court, Zuriel waits warily for his sign to move. When the tell-tale "CRUNCH" rings through the air, he knows its time to move and time to move quickly. More descriptive, covering a larger span of time, and from the viewpoint of a more experienced character, chapter two promises far more depth, story, and complexity.

From here on out, posts will occur either when I have a sudden spark of ingenuity, whenever the muse decides to hit me with an idea, or whenever I finish a chapter. They may be few and far between, or the daily blog regime may continue. Only time will tell.

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